Board of Directors for the 501c3
Kristi – Executive Director, President
Linda – Director, Secretary
Tom – Director, Treasurer
The Board of Directors and their profiles are what sponsors and grantees will be looking for. I will get these profiles. Don’t worry about this page.
Officers of the Corp – eventually
Over time the board will choose and add profiles for this.
President/CEO – Kristi
CFO, Financial –
COO, Operations
CPO, Programs
Support Team (Kia, You, Rob)
Trisa, this is really for the BeMuseMe, IBeMuse and BeMuseMeMAG muse related programs. Profiles for the team members will go on those pages. Each person on the team was suppose to write their own profile/bio copy so this is not something you need to write.
When Be Creative .Zone (the non profit) expands, the board will choose someone to head up each directorship and program. We will add those people then. As people giving us money they will want to see those bios. Being a director and in charge of a program is going to take a commitment and require experience in that program.
The Team Members have an opportunity to get involved in all of it. But unless I know the level of skills and commitment from each I can’t recommend to the board being a part of the non-profit at the director or program head level.
Each team member was asked to fill out the skills and commitment form. This will help the non-profit know what it can hire you as a BeMuseMe team member to do, or you can choose to be a part of it as a volunteer because it does relate to the success of BeMuseMe, IbeMuse and BeMuseMeMAG, all of which team members will get paid for once I know how each team member wants to play. (completed skills and commitment forms) When the non-profit succeeds it will contribute to the for-profit and visa-versa.
What is on this non-profit site is different than being a support muse team. I’ve got to keep them separate. Let me know if you have any questions.